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Welcome to the Kita Märliwält Oerlikon!

The Kita Märliwält is a family-run business.

Our concept was created based on the idea how we would like to see our own children being cared for. For us this means an environment in which children are lovingly cared by a young, dynamic and creative team.


We will have 2 groups at this beautiful location.

In the group "Eichhörnli" we will have children from 3 months up to 2 years, in the other group "Zwergli" we will have children from 2 years until kindergarten entry.

The Kita will provide plenty of space for the children and will be lovingly furnished by us. Also, there will be a beautiful garden allowing us to work with different movement and theme concepts.

We want to encourage the children as much as possible, but not overburden them.

"Children are allowed to be children"

We look forward to welcoming you.

Team Märliwält

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Bis bald.

Eure Kita Märliwält

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